Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm No Critic

I walked out of the movie theater the other day for the 2,007,283rd time. I don't even remember what I saw, now that I think of it. It wouldn't matter anyway. As far as movies are concerned, it takes little to entertain me. A little drama, a little comedy and a bit of action set to the backdrop of some futuristic or post apocalyptic waste land, is enough to keep me riveted for hours. This is not to say I don't know a legitimately good movie when I see one. I can foresee, with some accuracy, what movies the academy will be celebrating by the years end. I am also aware of which movies I can recommend to my movie connoisseur friends, and which ones I should tell them to avoid. The truth is, I enjoy many movies I know I should not. So here it is-- the top ten worst movies I love. This list will not contain such titles as Breakin' or Breakin' II (The Electric Bugaloo), Rad, or The Blues Brothers, because these movies have an intrinsic value comedically and by way of capturing the unique identity of an era.

1. Water World
2. The Postman
3. Robocop
4. Mad Max (Beyond Thunder Dome)
5. Legend
6. The Replacements ( a Keanu Reeves classic)
7. Remo Williams
8. Big Trouble in Little China

---Side note: Water World happened to come on T.V. after I started my list, and yes, I am watching it.

9. The Day After Tomorrow
10. Tango and Cash

Now, you can feed me a bunch of bull about how your favorite movie is Citizen Cain or Motorcycle Diaries or an obscure foreign film by some Russian director. But, your favorite movie is a movie you could watch any time, with a group or all by yourself. You could catch it for the 20th time on T.V. and keep it running even though you own the video or dvd.
Every body has movies they are ashamed of liking, and I want to know what they are. I don't want to know what your favorite movies are. I want to know what movies you're ashamed of liking.